Stop The Pain Of Addiction. Call 1-855-201-2200.
If you or a loved one are struggling with life, we can help you find addiction treatment to help in living life happy again. Through treatment and therapy offered in our treatment centers, the individual and their therapist work together to learn how to properly process feelings or emotions that would otherwise have fueled and justified reasons for inebriation. Speaking with the trained counselors and therapists allows one to speak about their fears, angers, hopes and desires, in order to come to a better way of handling real life situations. A big one that holds people back is forgiveness, of themselves and others as well as gratitude, when it seems there is nothing left to be grateful for.
Here are testimonials written by someone who went through treatment:"Forgiveness is vital in maintaining my recovery. If I hold on to resentments and anger against people who wronged me it only hurts me. Resentments are my number one offender. If I hold on to anger for too long, it will eventually lead me to the same feelings that caused me to drink or abuse drugs in the beginning. By learning to communicate and process the feelings, forgiving myself and others eventually brings peace to my heart and I can sleep better at night."
And here on gratitude: "Having gratitude is crucial in maintaining my recovery. I have found that if i find things to be grateful for throughout my day, it is harder to stress out about the things that I think are important but really aren't. I just take a few minutes throughout my day and a make a list. For example; Today I am grateful that I woke up to see another day, for my family and friends, and for my recovery." People that have entered and completed treatment find there is hope, they remain grateful, and gain their happiness and fulfillment in life back.
After completion of treatment, Instep Recovery Services also offers 30 days free of recovery coaching by an accredited CCAR recovery coach. If you want the happiness put back in your or your loved one's lives, Please contact us at 1-855-201-2200 today. You can also find more info at We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you have.