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Intervention, Treatment and Recovery Life Coach Information. 1-855-201-2200.

When you set up an intervention with a certified addiction recovery life coach you will help a drug addict recognize just how far their addiction has gone. Individuals who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other substances usually won’t admit just how out of control their lives have become. They tend to look at those around them as a measure of how right or wrong their actions are. These individuals need objective feedback on their behavior. It’s only through a non-judgmental, non-critical third party intervention process will the individual be able to see their lifestyle choices. When they truly understand the impact that their alcohol dependence, drug addiction or substance abuse has on others, they may truly begin to see they are hurting those around them.

You have to remember that you are not talking to the family member anymore but that you are talking to the addiction. Anticipate that the individual who is having the problem will try to minimize their use, change the topic, joke about their use, or say “my use is no worse than anyone else’s.”

Never forget the goal of drug intervention is for the addict to accept the reality of their drug addiction and to seek help. The process of conducting a drug intervention is a difficult and delicate matter. It is important that it is done without too much confrontation or the individual may feel cornered and become defensive. This is where advice from a trained professional interventionist is useful in determining the proper strategy and timing for your specific intervention.

A successful intervention will be followed by the addicts willingness to accept help, and preferably go into treatment. We have treatment facilities as well, to help in the next step of the recovery process. Our facilities are highly noted for successful long term sobriety from drug and alcohol abuse / addiction.

The next stage after treatment and rehab, is aftercare planning and life coaching. We also are with you and the addict this step of the way. We help the transition back into daily life by helping the addict remember the coping skills and how to implement them into their day. We also are there as a sounding board to listen when things get rough and they feel apprehensive or on the edge, if that time ever arises, we are there to help.

If you would like more information on how to stage an intervention and live in the Massachusetts area, call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1 (855) 201-2200.

Best Solution for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery in Massachusetts

Instep Addiction Recovery



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